België: 2022-06-30 09: 42: 14 , ENRD News
On 15-16 June, over 450 participants representing EU, national and regional policymakers along with local authorities, social and economic stakeholders gathered for the first Rural Pact conference, including two sessions organised by the ENRD.
The Rural Pact is a framework for cooperation among authorities and stakeholders dealing with rural territorial development at the European, national, regional and local level. Its objectives are to amplify rural voices and bring them higher up the political agenda, to structure and enable collaboration and mutual learning, and to encourage and monitor voluntary commitments for action. The Rural Pact is one of the main initiatives to achieve the goals of the Long-term vision for rural areas, adopted by the European Commission in June 2021.
During the Rural Pact conference the ENRD Contact Point provided support for the organisation and moderation of two sessions: Revitalising rural areas; and Rural youth as leaders of change.
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