België: 2022-09-28 22: 25: 13 , ENRD News
National Rural Network (NRN) Clusters continue to offer popular and productive informal exchange forums where representatives from neighbouring NRNs share experiences and ideas about relevant peer-learning topics identified by the Cluster members.
A round of Cluster meetings took place before the summer holidays. These involved the Atlantic Cluster discussing their plans for the new National CAP Networks and agreeing to focus in more detail on this topic in their next meeting. The most recent gathering of the Central & Eastern European Cluster talked about feedback received on the CAP Network section of the CSPs and the Action Plan preparation.
In the Mediterranean Cluster, the topic of Cluster communication was discussed along with other updates from members on Network mapping. NRN evaluation remains a mutual interest for members of the Nordic Baltic Cluster meetings, where their June session heard from the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development on this topic.
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